The blackjack session that saved my night shift


Anyone else gamble to stay awake during night shifts, or is that just me? I was on break at around 3 AM the other night, sipping my fourth coffee of the shift, and decided to fire up some live dealer blackjack just to keep my brain active. Usually, I play it safe, but I was feeling bold (or maybe just over-caffeinated).

Started with $50, played solid, stuck to basic strategy, and within 40 minutes, I was up $400. Almost called it a night, but then my brain went, "Why not try one last big hand?" Pushed half my stack in—dealer pulled a 21. Classic. Lesson learned: never trust your tired brain with bankroll management.

Still, not a bad way to make it through the night. Anyone else sneak in some gambling during late shifts? Or do you actually have self-control?