Took him to value town—Ace high revenge story


A while ago I got absolutely wrecked when some guy called me down with Ace high. It stung, not gonna lie. But I took your advice—yep, all of you who told me to cut back on the bluffing—and I went back to the drawing board.

The plan? Run the same line but with actual value. C-bet the flop in position, check the turn for deception, and blast the river if the board stays clean, banking on a hero call. And wouldn’t you know it, the poker gods were on my side last night.

Game was 1/2, $500 effective stacks. I’m in the cutoff with AQo and open to $10. The villain, sitting in the small blind (my new favorite buddy), 3-bets to $40. Folds around, and I call.

Flop comes A95 rainbow. Villain checks, I lead out for $50, and he calls. Turn brings the Q, giving me top two. Villain checks again, and I decide to check back—gotta set the trap, right?

River comes the 2. Villain checks for the third time, and I think for maybe five seconds before staring him down and ripping it for a 2X pot-sized bet. He snap-calls me like he’s got the nuts. I table my AQ for two pair, and he flips over KK for one measly pair. 💥

The pot slides my way, and I’m grinning ear to ear while my "villain friend" starts going off about how I’m the worst poker player ever. 😂 Nothing like value betting the guy who never folds and watching him tilt off the planet.

Lesson of the day: if they can’t fold, make them pay. Thanks for the advice, folks—this one’s going into the highlight reel. Preach. 🙌